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  1. 2015-02-10

    China railway equipment into a new growth point of exit 6 continents full coverage The deputy director of the division of the Ministry of commerce foreign trade branch of Lu Xun expresses 5 days, in 2014 Chinas participation in overseas railway construction project 348, an increase of 113. China railway equipment has become the new growth of foreign trade export, and implement changes to the product, engineering, technology, standard output from simple products full range output.

  2. 2015-02-09

    Iron and steel industry in 2015 to maintain sustained and stable development of ideas In 2015 the steel industry to seize the deepening the reform and promoting the strategic adjustment of the economic structure of the historical opportunity, adhere to in order to improve the quality and efficiency as the core, to adapt to the new normal in the economy, and strive to create a fair competitive market environment, promote the steel overcapacity contradiction solution, promoting the two depth fusion, new progress has been made in the iron and steel industry competitiveness and upgrading the enterprise benefit.

  3. 2015-02-06

    Anhui traffic construction investment innovation high this year build 9 high-speed project Reporter recently learned from the provinces transportation work meeting was informed that, in 2014, the province completed highway and waterway transportation construction investment of 73000000000 yuan, a record high. "Twelfth Five Year" 4 years ago, the province completed a total of traffic construction investment 212900000000 yuan, completed ahead of schedule 200000000000 yuan "1025" planning objectives and tasks.

  4. 2015-02-05

    Shaanxi this year will be fully completed traffic poverty alleviation planning objectives Recently, a reporter from the Shaanxi provincial transportation department to know, Shaanxi this year will be fully completed traffic poverty alleviation planning objectives, to achieve more than 90% villages formed asphalt, cement road.

  5. 2015-02-04

    The January Liaoning Donggang Port imported coal to a new high In January, Donggang Port imported coal 38 batch, weight 456000 tons, the value of $43530000, the value of weight, in the Liaoning all the ports in the first, respectively, accounted for the provinces total coal imports in January 68.4% and 69%, increased by 456% and 529.3% compared with the same period last year, and also reached nearly 5 years to one month of coal imports peak.

  6. 2015-02-03

    Huang railway recently launched Huang Railway North of new moon (state) yellow (Hua Hong Kong) of Huanghua Railway South Station, to the sheep railway station you wa. The railway construction will soon begin, Huang railway land acquisition demolition work of Binzhou city is also on the agenda.

  7. 2015-02-02

    Zhejiang to build 456 kilometers of metropolitan Intercity Railway Reporter was informed that, Zhejiang province metropolitan (city group) intercity railway construction planning in the near future, recently passed experts review the organization of national railway bureau.

  8. 2015-01-30

    CISA: large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises profit last year into four Displays the overall operation of the steel industry in 2014 Chinese iron and Steel Industry Association released 29 days, last year Chinese medium-sized iron and steel enterprises realized sales income of nearly 3. 6 yuan, profit of 30400000000 yuan, grow 40. 36%.
