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  1. 2013-11-27

    Important considerations when purchasing a jaw crusher The size of the opening into the crushing chamber. Two numbers, such as 24X36, commonly describe this. Where the opening between the top of the front and rear jaw plates is 24”, and the width between the side cheek plates would be 36”. The width number is directly related to the production capacity, while both numbers will provide guidance for what the maximum size of rock that can be fed to the crusher. Typically you would not want to feed the crusher rock that is larger than 90% of the maximum opening.

  2. 2013-01-25

    Sichuan Mining Group, Panzhihua 1,200,000 tunnell o belenni cynhyrchu Sichuan Mining Group, Panzhihua 1,200,000 tunnell o belenni cynhyrchu

  3. 2013-01-08

    Sichuan Mwyngloddio Group, Myanmar, fel y brenin trydydd llinell gwaith prosiect cynnydd yn esmwyth Sichuan Mwyngloddio Group, Myanmar, fel y brenin trydydd llinell gwaith prosiect cynnydd yn esmwyth

  4. 2012-12-28

    Sichuan Mining gwaith prosiect Group Moroco felin yn symud yn ddidrafferth Sichuan Mining gwaith prosiect Group Moroco felin yn symud yn ddidrafferth

  5. 2012-12-21

    Sichuan Mining Gr?p y cynnydd a gwaith prosiect Venezuela esmwyth Sichuan Mining Gr?p y cynnydd a gwaith prosiect Venezuela esmwyth

  6. 2012-10-18

    American Saint-Gobain ceramsite project work is progressing smoothly According to the live coverage of the site from Sichuan Mine Arkansas Bright 17: U.S. Saint-Gobain the ceramsite project host contract by the Sichuan Mining Group Company equipment on-site installation and construction is progressing smoothly, the total investment of the project is $ 120 million.
