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Investment in the railway running high "1025" planning to complete the secure transportation

12 at the end of 2014, the Department of Transportation Secretary, party secretary Yang Chuantang in 2015 to deploy the transportation task said, in 2015, the Ministry of transport to lay the "Twelfth Five Year" ending the war, refine, and practical measures, to ensure the full completion of the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" target task.
"Daily of the first finance and economics" carding public information discovery, were more than expected completion of the highway, railway and other important traffic infrastructure project, part of the area and local is completed ahead of schedule, enter "over production" stage.
An official who yesterday in an interview said, despite the traffic domain in recent years obtained the very big development, but in terms of total or per capita, there is still a huge space for development. In the national grand strategy background, expected traffic coming years will still maintain high speed development.
Yang Chuantang in the 2015 national transportation work conference said, it is expected that in 2014 the highway and waterway completed investment 2.5 yuan, the new highway mileage of 93800 kilometers, of which 7450 km of highways, a full year of the new expansion of 230000 kilometers of rural roads, overfulfil the State Council issued a construction task.
According to the railway "12th Five Year Plan", to 2015, the national railway operating mileage of 120000 kilometers, more than in 2010 growth 29000 km (with an average annual increase of 5800 kilometers), a year-on-year increase of 85%.
Due to the "7. 23" bullet train accident influence, 2011 railway safety inspection led to the slowdown in construction, a new railway mileage is only 2000 kilometers. By the end of 2012, Chinas railway mileage 98000 km.
In 2013, railway construction investment appear warmer, planning new line put into operation for 5500 km, according to the calculation of railway business mileage to 103500 km in 2013.
In 2014, the railway construction ushered in the full recovery, not only investment after several upward to reach 800000000000 yuan second historic highs, projects in the previous 44 to 48 on the basis of, and then increased to 64 in 2014; the new operation of the line to ensure that more than 7000 km; in 2014 the equipment investment by 120000000000 Yuan to 143000000000 yuan.
The industry is expected this year, the railway construction will still maintain a high level, the completion of the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" is not a problem.
In 2015, the Department of transportation proposed several important task. Including the combing seriously "along the way", the Beijing Tianjin Hebei collaborative development, the Yangtze River Economic Belt of major national strategic planning of major projects and the first to start, make positive contribution to the stable growth of economy.
