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Science and technology innovation China "Chi made" China: accelerate the equipment manufacturing power dream

In the human evolutionary history, 2500000 years of manufacturing history, step by step to promote the progress of civilization. Today, the machine manufacturing industry in the creation of comfort and convenience for the human, also driving the world economy competition. Known as the "equipment manufacturing machine manufacturing" is the core countries manufacturing industry competition.
Chinese Vice Minister of industry and information Su Bo said, equipment manufacturing industry as the national economy is of simple reproduction and expanded reproduction provide production technology and equipment, is a sign of industrial and economic strength: "the economy, we throughout their history, it has a strong equipment manufacturing industry, so before the country and the country competition studies, or the economic competition between nations, is essentially between country and country competition in the equipment manufacturing industry. At present, between high-end equipment manufacturing competition is actually the core powers game."
Due to the large number of relates to tip, and sophisticated technology and equipment manufacturing industry. In a very long period of time, China equipment manufacturing industry had been dominated by foreign brands in key parts and the core technology.
The last century eightys, radial tire industry Chinese completely controlled by the developed countries monopoly and blockage, spend billions of dollars each year in foreign exchange, the second-hand equipment bought is abroad have been eliminated, but also follow some harsh restrictions on use. In order to break through this bottleneck, 1989, Tianjin Saixiang Polytron Technologies Inc embarked on a China radial tire equipment pioneer road. General manager Shi Hang said: "we have been from the beginning of the establishment of enterprise technological innovation as a key, followed by technical progress, always walk at the forefront of technology, filled the country in the tire equipment manufacturing many of the blank, suitable for the development of the whole world."
Over the past twenty years, not only the growth China Saixiang technology for rubber machinery industry "leader", but also open the door to the international market. In 2001, President of British Sign PU tire company after visiting a tire production equipment Saixiang technology marvel, signed the purchase contract. However, just over a decade ago, China first sets of radial tire production line from their hands.
In 2008, Saixiang technology successfully develop markets in Europe and India, export income breaks through 250000000 yuan, the European tire company, India BKT Co. Ltd. and the European Airbus Company have become regular customers Saixiang technology. The company responsible person Liu Wenan said, through unremitting efforts, Chinese tire manufacturing equipment has been recognized by the world manufacturing power.
"To win a space for one person in the equipment manufacturing industry in the international market, is very rare. We through the efforts, when we from abroad to spend with foreign exchange to buy the old equipment, can now put new equipment anti sell them, description of the overall China equipment manufacturing industry upgrade, we are a microcosm of the."
Since the reform and opening up, along with the industrial system and the related industrial chain is complete, Chinese from low-end to high-end extension of manufacturing industry. But as the core part of manufacturing industry of equipment manufacturing industry, has formed a complete range, large scale, has a certain level of technology industrial system in the China, become an important pillar industry of the national economy.
Statistic shows, 2013, industry output value exceeded 20 trillion yuan Chinese equipment manufacturing, global manufacturing industry accounted for more than 1/3, the majority of products output ranked first in the world; 13, China equipment manufacturing enterprises to enter the world 500 strong cavalcade, international competitiveness significantly enhanced. In 2013 November, China Premier Li Keqiang said in a speech in Romania: "Chinese manufacturing can be said to be popular all over the world. In the development in recent years China economy, China equipped with new achievements in some areas. Chinese already has a relatively mature, complete equipment manufacturing industry, and it is a relatively advanced. Especially in the railway, nuclear power and other power, roads, ports, telecommunications and other fields of technology and equipment strength, construction and operation experience, China equipment is competitive, is worthy of trust."
Mountain cave, tunnel, railway, subway needs a special equipment of boring machine. It is widely used, but the technology is complex, costly. Since long, boring machine equipment manufacturing technology completely monopolized by a few countries in Europe and America, Japan etc.. Now, after more than 10 years of effort, China is becoming a world giant.
Located in the Chinese things, north-south traffic artery in Henan Province, Zhengzhou City, 100 meters wide, two-way 14 lane traffic main road -- Zhongzhou road traffic as usual, shuttle stop. The way people didnt notice it on their own feet, a 100 meter long tunnel project is under construction. The construction of "hero" is the worlds largest rectangular shield excavating machine two sets of the first side to the brain, strange looking "big guy" -- Chinese engineering equipment group of independent research and development. The tunnel project manager Yang Hongjun said: "this is the biggest risk of artificial drying security risk, and may be off the axis avenue. The machine is very safe, and the construction environment clean, I guarantee you wear a shoe go up again, but if the artificial dry, dust is very large, the most difficult is safe and no control."
